Once a booking has been confirmed to us, we will change the booking’s status from “provisional” to “confirmed” on condition that you have secured the specified non-refundable deposit from your guests. The standard amount is 20% of the total land arrangement costs but this amount can vary depending on certain terms and conditions or party size. Please contact your journey specialist for details and please do NOT confirm a booking unless you have this non-refundable deposit, as you will become liable for cancellation fees if the booking does not materialize. In some parts of the world it has been customary for the guest to pay a nominal deposit for a holiday, with a small penalty if they cancel. Wilderness camps are relatively small making the fixed running costs and resultant break- even occupancies extremely sensitive. The cancellation of a mere two guests can put the camp into a loss situation and therefore we cannot accept bookings made with a nominal deposit, nor can we afford lenient cancellation terms. Please ensure that you have the required non-refundable deposit from your guests before a booking is confirmed with us. We urge you to review the booking conditions between your company and your guests. We believe that guests who are firmly committed to travelling and are covered by full travel insurance in the event that they cancel for insurable reasons e.g. medical problems, should have no problems in committing to this non-refundable deposit
Full payment from the guest is due eight weeks prior to arrival, after which our cancellation fees escalate in accordance with our cancellation policy.
Cancellation fees are levied when guests cancel confirmed reservations. The costs of the cancellation fees will escalate the closer the guests, cancels to their confirmed departure date. Our penalties escalate from forfeiting the deposit to payment in full as follows:
• If a cancellation is made more than 8 weeks before departure the non-refundable deposit is forfeited.
• If a cancellation is made between 4 weeks and 8 weeks, the deposit plus 25% of the price.
• If a guest cancels between 3 and 4 weeks prior to departure, 50% of the price.
• If a guest cancels between 2 and 3 weeks prior to departure, 60% of the price.
• If a guest cancels less than two weeks prior to departure, the 100% of the price.
Groups and Incentives have a different cancellation fee policy. This is available at time of quoting.
The trademarks VIRTUOSO, the Globe Swirl Logo and SPECIALISTS IN THE ART OF TRAVEL are registered trademarks of Virtuoso, Ltd. Virtuoso, Ltd. has a U.S. copyright registration for the Globe Swirl Logo, ©2000. All rights reserved. Virtuoso CST#2069091-50. California CST# 2069091; TA# 808 - Registered Iowa Travel Agency; Washington UBI # 601 554 183. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.