Visit Finland
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Finland is a hidden gem tucked into the far up North. It is a treasure waiting to be discovered. You will find thousands of reasons to fall in love with Finland; the people, arctic adventures and secrets. And four distinct seasons that continue to call you back. When you think you have seen and experienced it all, then it is time to explore Finland. To be inspired by Finland, visit Visit Finland works to develop Finland’s travel destination brand, market the destination to international travelers, and help companies in the travel industry to sell Finland.
Insider Tip
One of the most remarkable features of Finland is light. When the endless sunshine of summer gives way to dark winter, the Northern Lights appear like magic and lighten up the sky.Virtuoso Preferred Supplier Since 01 Dec 2018
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Our Commitment
Visit Finland has launched in September 2019 a Sustainable Travel Finland program for tourism companies, destinations and regions across the country. The initiative is designed to nurture, conserve and preserve what is most important; Finland’s unspoilt natural environment, as well as the Finnish culture and lifestyle which is rooted in the country’s pure and pristine outdoors. This relationship with nature has led to the adoption of integrity, safety, social progression and freedom as the cornerstones of Finnish society. Companies and destinations which participate in the new progressive program will be recognised with the Sustainable Travel Finland label and have access to a continuous development model, the latest information on sustainable tourism development, marketing support and visibility on Visit Finland channels.
Visit Finland is also inviting visitors to help conserve and preserve Finland's natural environment and protect the country’s unique lifestyle, which is rooted in the natural world and supported by a culture which celebrates equality.
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