Isabelle Toulouse

Isabelle Toulouse

Critics Choice Vacations, an independent affiliate of Montecito Village Travel
Queen Creek, AZ United States

I am a French native. I worked in the tourism business in France for 12 years before moving to Arizona to follow my husband who had been relocated by his company in 2003. After raising our 3 children, in 2013, I decided to go back to my passion which is helping people fulfill their travel dreams. I striveto provide individualized, detailed and well-executed travelplanning from the beginning to the end for my clients. I love to travel and explore new destinations and meet new cultures. I have lived on 3 different continents throughout my life and I love to share my experiences. I was born in Madagascar and lived in Morocco, Germany, France and now USA. My future goal is to return to Africa and spend more time in Asia as well. My last trip was Croatia, and I can't say enough about this great destination. My next one is Egypt in May 2024.

I go back to France every summer to visit friends and family and I always take that opportunity to visit new places in Europe. I also work from there 4 months per year,

I look forward to advising you with your next travel plan !

Destination Specialties

  • France
  • Switzerland
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Denmark
  • Australia
  • Vietnam
  • United States - Southwest
  • Costa Rica
  • Peru
  • Madagascar


  • Family Travel
  • Culture, History & Arts
  • Sports & Outdoors
  • Independent Tours
  • Rail


  • English
  • French
  • German


100% Recommended (52 Reviews)

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